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Flyin EVO 2

Flyin EVO 2

Member Since 07 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2010 04:24 PM

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

17 April 2010 - 05:11 PM

Mike's EVO has put down 1096 awhp on a Dyno Jet, but he has cranked it up a bit from that tune. From estimating injector duty cycle vs. the 1096 awhp dyno pull to the datalog from 237 MPH, it looks like it's making over 1150 awhp!! ;)

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

15 April 2010 - 03:47 PM

Here is the video link above!

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

11 April 2010 - 06:09 AM


That is ***** incredible! He's served it right up to the Supras :D

The boost controller is only turned in about 60%, and he has another seceret squirel turbo waiting to be tested along with aero work. Expect more from this Evo 2 as the year moves on.:drool:

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

10 April 2010 - 09:26 PM

wow that is awesome!

that is a full weight evo! mine use to weigh 2770lb! (1260kg) w/o driver.


The 2750 lbs is with driver, not exactly full weight, but no feather weight tin can for sure.

In Topic: My full weight EVO 2 street car hits 200 mph in the standing mile!

09 April 2010 - 06:15 AM

20w50 vr1 racing oil, Redline heavy shockproof in diff, t.case, and 50% in trans, ACL bearings, Crower rods, Arias Pistons w/23mm wrist pins, consertive tuning, and luck dosn't hurt either.