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Member Since 09 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2012 11:03 PM

94 GSR will not idle

19 August 2011 - 11:49 AM

hey guys

Was driving my GSR (it is essentially stock apart from exhaust, filter, highflow turbo) today, all was well then I seen the check engine light come on. Car still drove fine. About 3 minutes later while I was stopped at lights, I thought - ill turn the car off and turn it on again maybe the light was up there in error -

after that the car would not start up and idle again - it cranks, starts up for about 3-4 seconds (it feels sluggish to rev) then it just instantly cuts out (as if ignition has turned off).

I checked all intercooler pipes, seem to be fine and if it was cracked or leaking i would assume the car would run rough not just cut out.

Checked vac lines, to my eye they seem fine.

Checked and cleaned Air flow meter and plug - this is more than likely the issue but I have spent hours on the net trying to find out any info with no luck.

Ive run outta options - has this happened to anyone before. I dont think its a fuel issue cos the car starts every time and theres spark - its just it refuses to idle for more than a few seconds.

any help would be much appreciate.d