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1 fast evo 2

1 fast evo 2

Member Since 10 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2010 12:51 PM

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

17 April 2010 - 01:06 AM

I have. I think it's nuts!!!!!!!

Interested on what's going to modified for more speed. Aerodynamics should definately come into play at those speeds (and i dont imagine the wing helps), but how much downforce is needed/how much power's it putting out?

Aero is going to be adjusted as much as possible to increase the efficiency, and yes the wing does slow the car down as it adds alot of drag. I will do some testing to see if the car is stable enough without it to run wingless, if I can I forsee a decent jump in mph. We will also be adressing several other things as well.

As far as power I have never run that much boost on the dyno(yet) but by some calcs I believe it was in the neighborhood of 1200 awhp.

Mike Reichen

In Topic: Checkmate, Reichen's EVO 2 takes back the Mitsubishi Record 237 MPH!

16 April 2010 - 12:14 PM

Has anybody watched the video yet?
What do you think?

Mike Reichen