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Member Since 14 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2011 04:04 AM

In Topic: 4G93T Head noise..

01 July 2011 - 12:22 PM

Hey guys/gals, more information: we had a quick listen to Simone's car, further diagnosis will be required. It is definitely top end noise, not bottom end noise. Does sound like minor lifter noise though. There is a very quick fix though.. buy my evo Simone :)

lol moi! swaps? :P

In Topic: 4G93T Head noise..

01 July 2011 - 04:40 AM

Do you have aftermarket cam gears? Are the cams dialed in correctly? My engine now "ticks" a lot more after we retarded the exhaust cam quite a few degrees. I believe this is a common trait.

Nah stock cam gears..

so is he saying the CP pistons have offset or not? (just interested to know)

Well, he hasn't said. That response was based on a different thread I showed him not this one. I will ask him though!

In Topic: 4G93T Head noise..

01 July 2011 - 04:18 AM

His response to piston slap was this:

"they are talking about offset piston pins so that the piston sits slightly skew in the bore to eliminate piston rattle on motors with large piston to bore clearance.

Doesnt apply in your case since the piston to bore clearance is not alot, in fact i dont think your motor has any piston slap at all, even when stone cold."

PS. thanks for that link - I'll have a read :)

In Topic: 4G93T Head noise..

01 July 2011 - 03:56 AM

Hmm.. ok well I'll be sure to discuss all of that with the builder. If is it piston slap, what is the general outcome of that? another rebuild?

Other than that, do you guys have any other suggestions for possibilities?

In Topic: 4G93T Head noise..

01 July 2011 - 01:37 AM

I really have no idea about the pins but he assures me it is not that.