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Member Since 16 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2012 01:34 AM

In Topic: SOLD!!! 1993 Evolution 1 GSR Red

20 January 2012 - 05:24 AM

Awesome EVO 1 Moi and a great 1/4 mile time. Would be a lot of fun to drive!!!

In Topic: who's heading to jambo?

18 August 2011 - 12:25 AM

I'm definately heading to jambo. I've missed the last 3 years due to work so stoked to be able to go this year. It will be great to meet some of you guys if I get the chance and see some great 4G power in action.



In Topic: f.s ** hot4's featured ** CC GSR

06 June 2011 - 11:46 PM

Very tidy looking gsr there Frank. This would definately turn plenty of heads wherever it goes. Also great power figures on pump and c16 and a very respectable 11.7 qtr mile time. Good luck with the sale mate.

What boost are you running on both pump fuel and c16 Frank?

In Topic: f.s ** hot4's featured ** CC GSR

01 June 2011 - 10:14 PM

Will be sad to see it go. Its been a great car with lots of show and go and definitely turns heads whever it goes.
Here's a couple extra pics for nostalgic purposes B)

Very tidy looking gsr there Frank. This would definately turn plenty of heads wherever it goes. Also great power figures on pump and c16 and a very respectable 11.7 qtr mile time. Good luck with the sale mate.