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Member Since 19 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2009 06:04 AM

#34692 VR4 Carpet

Posted by BobWrinkle on 03 November 2006 - 08:47 AM

When are we getting the carpet already?!!

#34281 J-Spec Speed Limiter Removal

Posted by BobWrinkle on 31 October 2006 - 01:00 PM

To remove Dash cluster (thanks entaran):

You need a short and long phillips screw driver and a chisel/thin blade.
Oh and they HAVE to be magnetic.

Iif you sit in yoru drivers seat jam the steering wheel as far up as it will go (tilt adjustment)

In the front of the cluster, there is a piece of plastic that rings the inside there are two screws int he top and possibly one in the bottom pull them out.

Then, the trip meter reset knob screws off to the LEFT. turn it to the left a lot until it comes off it screws off then once that's off put a flathead screwdriver or chisel or whatever under the CENTRE OF THE BOTTOM and pull up and out a bit and wiggle it till it pops out (it's a ladies naughty bit.)

Then you'll see about 8 screws around the cluster. Undo these, pull cluster DIRECTLY TOWARSD YOU going up or down or sideways will BREAK IT

Then once it's on yoru lap, undo screw, remove wire, redo screw put cluster back on STRAIGHT turn car to on, make sure lal the lights etc work.

Then screw everything back in.