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Member Since 20 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2012 05:38 AM

In Topic: FS: Evo III Brakes

16 February 2007 - 01:48 AM

Are you able to measure the thickness of the rotors so we know how much "life" is left in them?

Also, how much are you chasing for the calipers by themselves?

In Topic: FS: Genuine Evo 3 bonnet

09 February 2007 - 04:15 AM

some pics would be good what colour is the bonnet

Got a genuine matt black evo 3 bonnet for sale..


In Topic: Fish Goes AWD! '94 GSR

17 January 2007 - 12:31 AM

I don't think I said anywhere that his car looks shit, it's a great example of a clean, straight GSR. All I said was that it doesn't have a full evo3 kit with those parts missing (he claimed it was a full evo3 kit in his first post).

Keep up the good work fish, it's a great looking ride.

In Topic: Fish Goes AWD! '94 GSR

15 January 2007 - 11:46 PM

Nice ride, but it can't have a full evo3 kit without a rear spoiler or evo bonnet ;)

In Topic: My GSR

15 January 2007 - 02:13 AM

Didnt you used to live in Sydney??

Your car hasnt changed much in 3 years!

How is your painted turbo going?? ROFL

You need to loose the stickers, get an EVO bonnet, and amber indicators

Agreed. Lose that Greddy wank on the front bumper, rear window, and rear spoiler and it will look a lot nicer.

Possibly powder coat those rims white again too, or do they just need a good clean?