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Member Since 28 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2011 09:55 AM

wtb: gsr 4G93t thermostat housing!!! help!!

23 May 2010 - 02:13 PM

hey there am after a 4g93t thermostat housing for a gsr. the pipe that the coolant line runs off has rusted away:( so hose wont stay on.

Does anyone have one that they wanna sell. need one asap!!! please help:(

pm me


wtb: stock vr4 suspension, cooler+piping, rims+ more

04 April 2010 - 03:20 PM

am after some standard parts for my vr4. parts i am after are:

stock cooler + piping
stock suspension
stock fuel pump
stock rims
stock afm and intake pipe

please pm me if you have wit price

i am located in perth

thanks for your help



28 January 2010 - 04:45 PM

hello to everyone thought id introduce myself. known as james. 20 years of age, been in oz for 11months now and slowly adjusting to the heat!!(knew it was gonna be warmer but no one said roasting!!) beautiful country and loving every day of it. live wit my folks and love to party... and thats my life:)

bought a 1990 jspec vr4 around 5months ago wit a few mods. goes pretty well but could go better wit more funds. slowly doing it up with big plans later on when i save up more coin

anyway thought id say hi. looking forward to meeting everyone
