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Member Since 02 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active May 08 2023 08:17 AM

In Topic: Are CC GSR seats different to GL/GLXi/SEi seats + Evo seat fitment

04 July 2013 - 06:56 AM

Important thing to remember is:
* Normal CC Lancer and GSR Lancer turbo seat bases are stepped.
* EVO I-VI Recaro seat bases are flat.
* You need the appropriate seat rails to fit whichever seats you are using.

* GSR Lancer seats will bolt onto GL and GLXi Lancer seat rails so that's OK.
* You cant fit EVO I-VI seats in a CC Lancer unless you use the OEM Recaro seat rails that came with the EVO seats.
* An alternative is to look for Proton GTi Satria or a Proton M21 coupe seats and seat rails as they bolt straight into Lancers. They are the same as EVO 1 Recaro seats just trimmed differently.
* Or again, if you find EVO seats but cannot find Recaro rails, you can use the Proton GTi or M21 seat rails to put onto the EVO seats and fit them to your Lancer.

just to clarify, could I use the rails from my existing standard seats on the evo recaros? or will that not work?

In Topic: Are CC GSR seats different to GL/GLXi/SEi seats + Evo seat fitment

04 July 2013 - 06:54 AM

Excellent info, cheers!