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Member Since 06 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 25 2016 12:09 PM

i'm G.box Killer

15 October 2010 - 09:42 AM

maybe some of you would answer on my question
i broke my G.box already two times
first time it was 4th gear and second time it was 2nd gear
i just want to know what is MY problem and what am i doing so Wrong that Gbox fails so easy.

here is Video of my street race and another is just Dash captured with shifts.

Clutch is Twinplate
the thing is that i shift with WOT all the time and do shift pretty Fast and hard :)
i didnt use NLTS system because i didnt like it. without it i feel kicks every time i shift and with NLTS it its like running AUTO :)
i'm running HX40 @ 28psi and shifting without WOT cause Boost drop

anyway any suggestion would be great


Fan doesnt want to turn On at 105c Deg :(

05 October 2010 - 08:57 PM

Fan doesnt want to turn on at 105c deg. WTF?

can anybody tell me what is controlling and Turning this sucker ON? Sensor + relay? or Sensor + Ecu + relay?

i have to keep Fans on all the time from ECMLink. can anybody advice where to look for problem?



Water gets too hot - HELP

22 July 2010 - 08:02 PM

hey guys
its summer and my monster (EVO II) feels really really hot those days.
i can not drive it at day time in traffic - it impossible because water goes up over 100c deg.. i have 1 small fan on water radiator and another in front of A/C radiator but main thing is that Turbo and manifold is too close to Radiator.
i dont know what to do
will Sard / Ralliart Thermostat Cure this problem?
i don't want to remove A/C its really hot over here.

car is pritty tuned and its pushing enough power to make everything hot under bonnet

any suggestions?

where is Door power lock Module?

04 June 2010 - 05:44 AM

Please tell me where can i find door power lock module?
and does anybody have its wiring diagram?
i want to install alarm system and cant find that sucker :(
was lookin for it under dash at drivers side but couldnt find it
car is EVO II

please advice.

5th Gear synchro Part no. needed

29 March 2010 - 08:44 AM

hey all please somebody give me E2 5th gear synchro ring part number. my 5th gear is crunching when i shift at high speed, does not matter i shift fast or slow if i drive at high speed it always gives crunch.
probably i need to change synchro ring so i need exact part number to place order.

another question does E2 has double synchro? or single?
is DSM sychnro same or not?

