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Member Since 06 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2010 09:35 AM

In Topic: Lift Kits for a RVR?

14 May 2010 - 08:34 AM

who cares if they laugh at you for asking something like that. its a strange car to get parts for and you would be surprised what kind of 4x4 shocks and springs would fit in different cars maybe something from a small 4x4 would work its worth a try

In Topic: RVR PARTS/PART NUMBERS (please help)

14 May 2010 - 08:29 AM

did you re-tighten the calipers after refitting the machined disc's ?

In Topic: Just finished my bonet vents

14 May 2010 - 08:17 AM

i think it looks good and it must do something to keep the temp down abit

In Topic: Lift Kits for a RVR?

14 May 2010 - 08:09 AM

A 4x4 shop maybe

In Topic: Iv done a bad thing

01 April 2010 - 06:02 AM

no its for real guys i did buy a 2003 vy but like i said i still could get some sort of project car happening but it would be a long project lol