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Member Since 07 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2018 02:20 PM

#340651 CB Lancer Petrol Tank

Posted by leadfoot on 11 March 2018 - 06:09 AM

if you have a working fuel pump cradle you can use a cc lancer carby or injected tank

#339267 DBA front rotors no longer available - alternatives?

Posted by leadfoot on 01 November 2017 - 08:52 AM

well their website says otherwise but if you wana find another supplier here's the critical info

Diameter [mm] 276 Height [mm] 45 Thickness [mm] 24 Minimum Thickness [mm] 22.4 Inner Diameter [mm] 69 Weight [kg] 6 Number of Holes 4

but they are defs in their 2017 red master catalogue

as is the proton gti front but they have a 4x100pcd

#339263 DBA front rotors no longer available - alternatives?

Posted by leadfoot on 01 November 2017 - 06:32 AM

their 2017 part catalogue on their website still lists them you're looking for dba 402 or dba 402s


#338732 RVR Parts for sale. SSG auto and HSG manual.

Posted by leadfoot on 03 September 2017 - 10:56 PM

Mechanical safety aswell looks identical to yours.

The cable release went bad and the arm locks failed the welds broke the arms swang free and the vehicle fell. The installer and seller both came up on charges from oh&s ill grab photos of how it failed this arvo.

Make sure there is no more than 5mm spread from bottom to top ie the distance at the posts on the base is the same as the top.

Your could be great and serve you well for years nut i just cringe everytime i see the happ brand considering how close one cane to killing my father. (Thus my warning) in saying that there is a risk with any hoist. Currently have a bendpak and the difference in build quality between the two is massive.

#338227 4g93t head gasket options

Posted by leadfoot on 05 August 2017 - 12:16 PM

i ran a composite on arp studs (std style) and pushed through from a cylinder into the water jacket on 20psi currently on an ebay spec MLS and compression is better than ever at 230psi across all 4

  • bj likes this

#337729 Viscous Coupling Units: E1-3 vs VR4

Posted by leadfoot on 30 June 2017 - 12:13 AM

can you not just VCU eliminate and stay open center dif and force 50/50 split all the time?

#337342 Swapping a GSR over to 4 x 100 stud pattern

Posted by leadfoot on 04 June 2017 - 11:32 PM

gsr is AWD the car you mention are FWD unfortunately none will have provision for rear axles your actually beter off looking into 5 stud conversion more rim choices and can use evo 4+ hubs

  • NFG likes this

#337199 Idle issues

Posted by leadfoot on 25 May 2017 - 08:12 AM

unplug the ISC then set the BISS and trottle plate stop and TPS with it as close to 1 ohm as possible but not on of over (if it's a 4 wire) under 1 ohm = throttle close wire live tells ecu it's at idle over 1 ohm tells ecu throttle is in use.

if you don't unplug the isc when you adjust the BISS you can go to far so unplug ISC and then use BIS with timing locked to get a base idle of 850+- 50 rpm this should also be done at operating temp

#337102 Converting a GSR to auto

Posted by leadfoot on 17 May 2017 - 12:26 AM

if you are going manualized you'll wana just in the automatic mania sub forum on here and speak with aldo

  • NFG likes this

#337099 Converting a GSR to auto

Posted by leadfoot on 17 May 2017 - 12:15 AM

the same auto boxes used on 63's will bolt to a 93 (but you will need the matching transfer and rear diff)
you'll then need a flex plate most likely one from a auto 1.8l lancer. you may need a custom flex or torque converter depending on if the fwd flex matched to the converter that would be std to the gearbox.

from there it's wireing or going manualized.
you can get an auto engine loom from a automatic proton m21 (rare as hell though) not sure where the one i worked on has ended up though i could ask if you want it.

  • NFG likes this

#337098 4g93t crank

Posted by leadfoot on 17 May 2017 - 12:10 AM

it is

#336645 Oil pickup gasket 4G93

Posted by leadfoot on 06 April 2017 - 10:01 AM

it's just a paper style gasket as long as it has the right size holes you should be fine.

  • ted likes this

#336558 The new daily :)

Posted by leadfoot on 01 April 2017 - 11:32 PM

i have a brand new universal turbo smart one if you want to buy it. i got it to go on my td05 hopeing i could use buts i already had and couldn't let me know if you want it

  • ted likes this

#335970 Possibly need part picked up an posted from Brisbane

Posted by leadfoot on 01 March 2017 - 11:00 AM

i might be doing a part run to the sunshine coast tomorow so may also be available to collect have a pm to me by tomorrow with a phone number if i'm doing the run i'll call you

#335809 Turbo feed line/pressure

Posted by leadfoot on 20 February 2017 - 10:59 AM

it's just a banjo bolt 3mm hole i beleive.

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