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Member Since 21 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2020 09:37 AM

#335551 Evo ii

Posted by (2much) on 03 February 2017 - 11:32 AM

Just hanging out man....

#330058 Fitting carbon roof

Posted by (2much) on 18 May 2016 - 09:56 AM

Hey guys,

Just cut the rusted turret out of my cc, I have a carbon/fibreglass turret to go in, just wondering what adhesive to join to the panels and ribs? And what sealant should I use in the gutters and around the edges?

Panel shop guys?

Anyone have contacts for fitting my glass back in? Or know how to do it, and how to prep the surfaces and what adhesive to use.

Also I cracked the front screen on the way out, so I'll need a new one of them too

#292559 dougmos evo2 project

Posted by (2much) on 17 January 2014 - 11:34 AM

Are the racks different in length at all, i have a weird problem when changing to e4 knuckle, i couldn't get to 0toe, its maxes out at 2deg.
i don't know if i need a new tie rod end or rack arm

#279682 FS: GSR Shell, Doors, Bumpers etc

Posted by (2much) on 04 July 2013 - 11:00 AM

Hey Guys,

Time has come to move the GSR, and in the interest of the forums, guys building their cars, and needing spares, or repairs, rather then cutting this up, and sending it off to recyclers i am offering it hear for 2 weeks.

If no one is interested, i'm going to recycle it.

It's straight, its basically complete as a shell. The reason that i stopped using the car was it split the firewall near the wiper motor.

It has both front and rear bumpers with full GSR kit except the tow hook cover.

Most of the glass is still with the car. The spoiler has been deleted and professionally welded and painted. the spoiler will come with the car

There is no:
Kframes (front or rear)
Fuel Tank

There is:
The Shell
The Doors,
The Bumpers,
Most of the Glass,
Floor pan,

I can help with delivery if you are within 50k's of Ringwood

I'm looking for $600 ono

it's located in Ringwood

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  • photo 1.JPG
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#276420 SOLD - Evo 2/3 oz racing 15" rims no center caps

Posted by (2much) on 07 May 2013 - 01:06 PM

Hey guys,

You all know what they look like, recently did a brembo conversion, and these no longer fit,

Pickup preferred, if it sells this week, I'll chuck a set of tires to suit with heaps of tread depth.

This could be cheaper then replacing your current worn out tires coming into the wet season

Rims are in good condition but not mint, no buckles or cracks tho

If your interested, please pm, asking $425

Located in Ringwood Vic.

#236135 SPOTTED!

Posted by (2much) on 05 July 2011 - 03:53 AM

Ganni eatern fwy about 8:40am this morning, i like the tail lights, caught my attention from ages away

#197104 **SOLD** evo1

Posted by (2much) on 10 May 2010 - 09:52 AM

Sold guys,

Attached Thumbnails

  • evo018.jpg
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  • evo020.jpg
  • evo021.jpg