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Member Since 16 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2021 01:18 PM

#312328 4G63 engine builder wanted for cash job putting my engine together!

Posted by mymidlifecrisis on 14 January 2015 - 01:18 PM



Jafromobile on youtube seems to be pretty good with the 4G's

#289558 FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

Posted by mymidlifecrisis on 27 November 2013 - 12:48 PM

Agree with Jamo. I bought gear off Dave a while back. He's def a top bloke n very reasonable...unlike my missus at the moment  :cool:

#285252 Crank shaft for Evolution 1-3..please help!!

Posted by mymidlifecrisis on 22 September 2013 - 03:08 PM

Yeah one of them lol as you can see were all newbies haha he drives a green evo 3 styled gsr you might've seen it on gumtree a few months back?

Seen this car and it's driver with the Don King haircut in Middle Swan the other day ...perhaps? :-)

#267789 FS Evo3 Doors 2x sets of Fidanza cam gears

Posted by mymidlifecrisis on 03 December 2012 - 01:49 PM

  • Hey peoples, as per title. I have a set of doors for sale in excellent nick. I took them off my car and replaced them with gutted gl units...I couldn't bring myself to take the angle grinder to them. All with glass, no motors or wiring etc. Just sitting in my yard taking up space. $120 the lot...prefer to sell local.
  • 2 x sets of cam gears, secondhand, in good condition. Suit E1-8. Never got around to fitting them to my cars. $75 per set. Prices negotiable.

CheersIMG_0283.JPG IMG_0284.JPG IMG_1688 (480x640).jpg

#254047 Rear camber Bolt (GSR)

Posted by mymidlifecrisis on 16 April 2012 - 12:27 PM

I just bought two for my E7 from evoparts.co.nz for $10ea. They'd have what you're after.