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Member Since 18 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active May 28 2010 07:49 AM

In Topic: Radiators?

28 May 2010 - 07:47 AM

You should be able to fit up pretty much any radiator which will run a 4G63(T) - you may have to make some modifications and get a different top radiator hose to suit.

In Topic: What model do you have?

28 May 2010 - 07:42 AM

Well I have a new Sports Gear (no, it's not actually a SSG, but it's essentially the same) N73W 1998 RVR :D

In Topic: RVR Hsg Dyno result

28 May 2010 - 07:40 AM

What the hell? You guys don't have noise limits? We have to be under 89dB (which I don't think even my 3" is with no cat, one reso, one muffler...)

In Topic: RVR Wheel Information

28 May 2010 - 07:38 AM

N73W RVR X3 1997 - 2000 has 16x7" 38P stock, have fitted 18x7.5 38P and lowered it with little issue - had to roll the rear guards and there is a little rubbing on hairpins with the rebound of the inner wheel on the guard. Need to try fitting 18x8.

Currently running a 235/45R18 vs stock 215/70/R16 (yes, I know it's 5.5% below stock wheel size, YOU try finding affordable, useful performance tyres in a 235/50R18 or 225/55R18) ;)

In Topic: set up a pod for rvr turbo

28 May 2010 - 07:33 AM

i tried a few times b4 when i tried to set up a poddy for my rvr but my boost keeps cutting off on me....
what have u guys done to your rvr any pod modifications

You must have the boost turned up with a tap and/or an exhaust for it to be boost cutting. Unless you haven't attached it properly, and maybe it's pulling more air in than the AFM is reading, which would be leaning out your mixture and putting more load on your engine = boost cut.

Speak to VR401, he'll write you a drop-in chip and solder a socket to your ECU for you so he can tune it ;).