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Member Since 24 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active May 23 2012 10:47 AM

In Topic: Custom coil springs

26 June 2010 - 01:43 AM

Has anyone found a solution of the camber and toe problems these cars have when the rear is lowered?

I'm running with a cut stock spring, prolly about half a coil. Even with that little of a drop ,I have negative camber and toe problems. Any lower and the toe would murder 220 tires. The rear end design is very poor in terms of adjustments. The thing I would really like is a larger toe eccentric bolt.

Lowering the front is 1000 times easier, Koni Sports really woke it up. I'm trying to get my hands on some evo 8 bilsteins for the rear.

In Topic: Custom coil springs

04 June 2010 - 09:48 PM

My bad, but your very close


I've tried for a while to find a rear lowering spring.

I'm thinking about a ground control set up with Koni yellows for the front.

For the rear I'm thinking about welding the pocket on the rear arms and designing a rear coilover style spring and Evo MR Bilsteins. I'm just going off what this guy said,


The rear end on these cars are kinda retarded, Its funny because I'm a member of about 9 different forums just looking for info on these little vans.

In Topic: Custom coil springs

03 June 2010 - 09:06 PM

The front is a little more tricky, I'm better off scanning it

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LRV is three door
Expo is 4 door

In Topic: Custom coil springs

03 June 2010 - 08:46 PM

Hi abarthel.

Cheers for th info.

If you could find out the specs from your manual, that would be great!

and yeah, the AWDs are slightly taller!

REAR: FWD 3 door

Wire dia: 12.2 MM
I.D. 114.2 MM
Free length: 242.5 MM
Spring constant (N/mm) 67

REAR: FWD 4 door

Wire dia: 15.2 MM
I.D. 115.2 MM
Free Length 263.5
Spring constant 67-80

REAR: AWD 3 door

Wire dia: 14.5MM
I.D. 114.5MM
Free length: 257MM
Spring constant (n/mm) 67

Rear: AWD 4 Door

Wire dia: 15.5 mm
I.d. 115.5mm
free length 278.5mm
Spring constant (n/mm) 67-80

In Topic: What model do you have?

25 May 2010 - 01:34 AM

Who has an expo? 4g93 sohc 5 speed.

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