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Member Since 03 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2011 02:09 AM

F/S 95' RVR SSG manual -sold pls delete

04 October 2011 - 03:00 PM


WTB: RVR Climate Control Surround

01 May 2011 - 07:39 AM

Hi Guys,

Chasing the climate control vent surround (bit that goes round the climate unit and includes the vents over) for a RVR HSG or a later model SSG (this is different to the older square style SSG unit). The image below is the surround type that I am chasing. Need to be willing to post to Perth or may be able to sort a Brisbane/Gold Coast collection.

Alternatively if no one has one but knows of a wrecker who may have what I am after then please let us know the details

Radiator and heater hose part numbers

31 December 2010 - 04:06 AM

Hi Guys,

Getting ready to do some engine work on my ssg and thought I would see if anyone has the part numbers for the lower radiator hose and the two heater coolant hoses (figured i would replace these while the engine is apart - top hose previously done). Mackay rubber list 3 differnt lower numbers and the numbers the local mitsi guys gave us are so far out it is not funny.