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Member Since 14 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2015 05:46 AM

#307824 transfer case, tailshaft, bits and pieces

Posted by moonchook on 20 September 2014 - 04:11 AM

Hey man, are these all the bearings needed for when I do the timing belt swap?


Cheers, Mike

should be I bought it as part of a timing belt kit, the water pump is GMB by the way, the bearings are "Kabuki" branded, the bearings themselves have NSK and NTN markings so are likely manufactured in japan.


edit: not 100% sure if the pump is GMB, its in a GMB box but honestly the quality of the casting looks a little worse than other GMB pumps I have seen.


$40 posted the lot (to the gold coast) if your keen

#307822 transfer case, tailshaft, bits and pieces

Posted by moonchook on 20 September 2014 - 03:44 AM

got a few bits left over from wrecking my RVR


1. Transfer case, for WM533 manual box


came from an RVR hyper sports gear


IMG_20140920_132504350.jpg IMG_20140920_132516413.jpg IMG_20140920_132526128.jpg




2. Tailshaft from RVR HSGR




3. crossmember from RVR HSGR




4. Headlights 2 sets, black surrounds and normal




5. waterpump and timing tensioner/idlers


more as I dig it up


all parts are located northside brisbane in the caboolture area.


#296160 Wrecking: Brisbane, Complete 1997 Mitsubishi RVR HSGR updatedwith engine, tur...

Posted by moonchook on 10 March 2014 - 08:13 AM

block now gone, thanks Kai86.

#288216 RVR 4G63T Engine Rebuild

Posted by moonchook on 08 November 2013 - 09:12 AM

hey mike i had similar problems with my RVR when it was still on the road, lacked power, blew smoke, my brother end up rebuilding the turbo with the rebuild kit on ebay from japan (was about $70) which got it boosting properly again, we had lots of oil up in the exhaust manifold before the turbo rebuild.


if you want to build an engine for it eventually i'd be more than happy to negotiate a price on the 7 bolt HSGR block and remaining engine bits thats sitting in my shed, pretty keen to get rid of it as I have no need for it now. its all stripped with only the crank and oil pump stuff in place so should save some labour for the machinist.

#282889 Wrecking: Brisbane, Complete 1997 Mitsubishi RVR HSGR updatedwith engine, tur...

Posted by moonchook on 22 August 2013 - 07:41 PM

Is my pricing fair on the turbo? Make an offer!

#282033 Mirror control switch

Posted by moonchook on 09 August 2013 - 11:51 PM

Picture of control

hey man, I got the same one in my HSGR rvr that I am wrecking, i'll try and pull it out later tonight and take a picture of the front and back for you.

#248962 HSGR Clutch Master Cylinder

Posted by moonchook on 22 January 2012 - 12:11 PM

just for reference for the guys in Brisbane, I had my clutch master cylinder rebuilt at slacks creek brake and clutch for under $100 dropped it off and got it back the same day.