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Member Since 14 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2015 05:46 AM

transfer case, tailshaft, bits and pieces

20 September 2014 - 03:44 AM

got a few bits left over from wrecking my RVR


1. Transfer case, for WM533 manual box


came from an RVR hyper sports gear


Attached File  IMG_20140920_132504350.jpg   256.63KB   79 downloadsAttached File  IMG_20140920_132516413.jpg   232.05KB   85 downloadsAttached File  IMG_20140920_132526128.jpg   242.23KB   77 downloads




2. Tailshaft from RVR HSGR




3. crossmember from RVR HSGR




4. Headlights 2 sets, black surrounds and normal




5. waterpump and timing tensioner/idlers


more as I dig it up


all parts are located northside brisbane in the caboolture area.