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Member Since 01 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2009 01:48 AM

In Topic: Oils aint Oils

04 June 2006 - 11:12 AM

I've been using castrol Edge 10W60, does the treat i think but its a bit pricey

In Topic: Whats your best 60' ?

03 June 2006 - 08:59 AM

2.238, 14.1 @ 98Mph

In Topic: WTD: Mitsubish Magna v6 air flow meter

20 March 2006 - 10:57 AM

na, you need to splice the magna airflow meter plug into your wiring harness and use a ECU with supports that air flow meter.
but they magna airflow meter has a much larger diameter then the standard vr4 has(old vortex box)

In Topic: Hi guys

06 March 2006 - 09:03 AM

lol, I've been told it will fit, the guy doing it runs carline in gladesville and used to rally a vr4 in NZ, but yea i don't think it will fit, we'll see what happens, it will definately be huge though!, yes rockablillie its engineered now and fully legal, didn't have to change brakes, he only really cared about emission levels, DB reading, and how it was mounted, he went on and on about, why my standard brakes are ok, in the report :lol:, oh but it cost $550, but i say it was worth it, cause i didn't have to change anything, his name is Roger Perkins, lives in annagrove

oh and the car has been running great, apart from a heater core leak, so so far im stoked! :D

In Topic: SPOTTED!

06 March 2006 - 06:28 AM

dang must be a different one im thinking about