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Member Since 01 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2009 01:48 AM

WTD: Mitsubish Magna v6 air flow meter

20 March 2006 - 09:15 AM

for my 4g63T, updraging from the tiny vr4 meter/vortex box

Hi guys

05 March 2006 - 11:54 AM

Hi joined recently so thought i'd introduce myself, im a member on MLGA/Evocoupe/and ClubVR4, and this looked like another great forum, I own a lancer CC coupe with a Jspec Vr4 motor running FWD, running mostly stock, except for FMIC and custom pipework, had my car at chris meeks abit, installing ralliart rollerstoppers etc..... and for my next mods, I will be getting a 5inch dump and 3 inch all the way back from that, than a bayable ECU and new air flow meter, instead of the vortex crap, then some HKS cams, and maybe some more boost, its only running 8-9psi atm due to the stock lancer exhaust, just thought i'd say hi, and introduce my ride, look forward to hearing from you guys/meeting some of yous.
