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Member Since 18 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2017 10:50 AM

FS: 4G92 DOHC timing belt kit

19 May 2013 - 05:22 AM

Didnt read properly, bought the twin cam belt instead of the sohc I needed. Comes with pulley and rubber seals.
$100 shipped.

FS: Heap of 4G63 parts! Price Drops!

28 February 2013 - 06:50 AM

Hi, got a heap of stuff after giving up on a project
let me know if you want pictures of anything. and postage not included.

-4G63 engine, NA motor and 6 bolt, has done about 240 000km i believe having one previous rebuild, it is currently half disassembled and will need rebuild (almost everything is included, stock cams, pwr steering, air con) no alternator, throttle body and i think cam angle sensor. might have missed few minor things. - $150

-Vr4 4G63T Nippon full gasket set (big port) - SOLD

-Evo 7 brake booster - $20

-Evo 7 clutch master cylinder - $20

-AMG galant spark plug cover - SOLD

-Used BC 272 cams - SOLD

-Heavy duty exedy clutch (FWD) - $100
new, opened and been fitted up to flywheel but never started..
HYK - 6451HD
ALT: 215-644HD

-6bolt fwd machined flywheel -$50

-VR4 belt kit - SOLD
new (aircon, pwr steer etc)

-Vr4 ASI alloy radiator - SOLD

-Davies craig thermal fan switch/sensor/hose adapter - SOLD
used for a few hunderd kms, comes with sensor which goes into a adapter on radiator hose, adjustable set temp

-Clear timing belt cover - SOLD

-AEM adjustable cam gears (2) -170
new, silver in colour

-Evo 4 rear lip - $120

-j-spec vr4 1" brake master cylinder - $100
-Camber tops -$100 or $50 for just the hat with no bearing. goldish in colour
eoi because its still on the car. (i was told suit evo 1-3)

Hidden internal antenna

07 August 2012 - 08:16 AM

just wanna know if any guys here have had luck with any internal antennas? want to shave off the antenna off the roof and put in a hidden one in.

Underbonnet vent sheilds

02 July 2012 - 08:27 AM

does anyone know if anyone makes the sheilds for under the vents? been searching for ages.