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Member Since 20 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2021 07:25 PM

#327211 Upgraded EVO2 gearbox

Posted by twicks69 on 02 February 2016 - 05:01 AM

Alot of it comes down to the material being used for the gears, the heat treatment, and the post-grinding work.  The other variable is the gear oil; I typically don't use anything as thin as 75w90 unless the car is below 400-500HP; 330-370kW.  I would rather use a 75W140 gear oil with higher power levels, as well as higher transmission temperatures.  


What was the bearing preloads measured on the shafts at assembly, and what are they at now?


The gear tooth profile design will also cause wear patterns like that, with tip loading, galling, pitting, and surface deformation, but again, you need both gears ground after heat treatment to make sure they are meshing properly.



The results shown in the photos are disappointing as it further appears that a PPG gearset is pretty much the only option for this platform anymore for high quality gears that are profiled properly, heat treated properly, and finish-ground properly.

#292085 1995 RVR sports gear rebuild questions.

Posted by twicks69 on 11 January 2014 - 06:09 AM

Save your money on the throttle body, the late model ones easily can handle 500+Hp, the 60mm ones can handle considerably more. I still have a 60mm on mine with 2.5" piping and I put down over 1000awhp. Yeah, I could benefit from a bigger one on my application, but I am trying to simply state that it is unnecessary in your setup. 2" or 2.25" IC pipes will easily do the job with an efficient front mount intercooler. I would look for a genuine Mitsubishi Evo 3 td05 16g, not an eBay turbo. A walbro 255hp pump, 550-680cc injectors, and either a flashable ECU, DSMLink v3 with speed density or a simple Apex'I super AFC will be fine. Stock intake manifold is fine, do a nice intake and filter setup, and maybe a set of Kelford 264/272's. Also, change out the fuel feed line and filter setup to -6an feed either from stock filter with banjo fittings removed and straight -6an to rail or aftermarket fuel filter with -6an to rail. If possible, get a better AFPR and sleeve a -6an return onto the stock return hard line. This stuff with a relatively unrestrictive 2.5" exhaust and you should be good for up to 400hp with the proper fuel. If you need transmission modification or clutch recommendations let me know.

As well Tim (brisvr4) is good people and capable of doing the transmission work.

#290265 Clutch under $500 ?

Posted by twicks69 on 09 December 2013 - 08:24 PM

It looks like VisionR might not have the specific one I mentioned in stock, you should contact them first.  If they cannot get it, I can ship one over to Australia for you.




#290225 Clutch under $500 ?

Posted by twicks69 on 09 December 2013 - 07:14 AM

$390.00 + Shipping.  International shipping from USA is $80.00.

#191349 Anyone running or ran C16??

Posted by twicks69 on 22 March 2010 - 04:40 AM

C16 is a very nice fuel that will allow you to run substantially higher boost levels with moderate ignition timing. I would recommend C16 up to 35-40psi.

I prefer VP Q16, and VP Import race fuels. I am not sure if you guys can get it down there, but they are both oxygenated and leaded race fuels that allow you to run substantially higher boost levels and more aggresive ignition maps and allow you to increase power 5-10% over VP C16. You can also get away with slightly more aggressive air-fuel ratios in the low/mid 12:1 AFR's without detonation issues at boost levels as high as 50+psi.

I have ran C16, Q16 and Import for years with good results. The Q16 should be the same price as the C16, and produces better results for power and consistency.

What fuel are you currently running? If you already have the Walbro in-tank and 044 in-line, you should have more than plenty fuel delivery for your setup. I would say that if your fuel injectors were 1000cc or larger, you should have no issues whatsoever producing over 600-700AWHP.

I ran my setup on C16 to 709 AWHP on my GT4088R with Walbro in-tank/in-line dual pumps and 1000cc injectors at 41psi. The same setup produced ~740 AWHP on Q16 with the same boost levels. I ended up making 766AWHP/713TQ at 42psi on Q16/Import mix before the turbo failed.