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Member Since 25 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2012 03:25 AM


20 July 2011 - 07:11 AM

I have owned this car just shy of 10 years. It has never been raced or on a track since I have owned it, and has sported child seats for the past 5 years. It has been a great car to drive and very reliable, but my wife and I don't even do 10,000km/yr between us so keeping 3 cars is just silly.

  • 146,000km
  • Stock engine - apart from K&N panel air filter & non-ticking hydraulic lifters
  • 2.5" exhaust with Magnaflow muffler
  • Lowered by Fulcrum (raised from super low King springs which were a PITA)
  • ROH Monaco 17x7's done about 20,000km (get lots of attention) ***BRAND NEW TYRES***
  • Stock rims (sleeper look which is my preference) worn tyres
  • Black widow alarm / immobiliser
  • Turbo timer
  • Rockford Fosgate head unit / Blaupunkt VR450 reference amp / Response 12" subwoofer, front splits & rears
  • Tinted windows (small patch peeled off rear driver side window)

The bad. There is partially unimpaired damage to drivers side door where somebody backed into it. Can be reskinned or replaced. Roof has had a number of rust spots coming through - only evident in the last 8 months since the car has been demoted from the garage. The rest of the exterior and interior is in fair unrestored condition fitting of a car 15 years old.

Located in Brisbane (Bardon).

Attached File  front side.JPG   173.4KB   271 downloads

Attached File  rear.JPG   185.1KB   305 downloads

Attached File  Interior.JPG   84.27KB   263 downloads

Attached File  Boot fits subwoofer, big pram and weekly shopping.JPG   120.18KB   250 downloads

Attached File  damaged door.JPG   131.33KB   230 downloads

WTB: wheels & drivers side door

11 May 2011 - 01:52 AM

Anyone in Brisbane wanting to sell wheels for a GSR? Looking for something cheap, stock wheels would be fine - I just need tyres that will pass a RWC inspection. Could swap with stock wheels (in good condition but worn tread) + cash

I'm also chasing a front drivers side door (doesn't need door card or electrics).
