Hi Dean... its been a while since i logged in here ... been busy with work ... about my ride..
A stock factory kitted 5 door hatchback proton wira initialy ran on 4g15 power plant now converted to 4g93 dohc ,
Engine: increased compression slightly by installing metal gasket , engine was sourced from a Satria GTI .
Transmision : Stock Satria GTI
ECU: Siemens VDO unit ( need to chuck that away very soon)
Suspension : GAB adjustables coil overs, height adjusting and (AVCS) auto valve control stability or something..
Running shoes: 15 inch Spoon replicas with Maxxis tyres
Thats about all for now...
Glad to be here mate..
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Member Since 26 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Jul 02 2011 08:31 AM