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Member Since 04 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Private


29 August 2013 - 05:58 AM

I haven't been about for a bit, but happy to throw some cash your way; I felt so bad for you when I heard your box let go.

Best of luck with it, and I hope to see you at EC in October.

In Topic: little batteries pc680 dry cell

06 April 2013 - 05:15 AM

How is the PC680 battery going? How does it like starting when youve left the car parked up for a couple of weeks?

When mine was brand new, it'd wouldn't start the car after about 7 days. The only load on the battery while the car was parked was the alarm. After about 2 years, it was only 3-4 days before it would need a jump start. You'll want to make sure your cold start is spot on too, even when it was brand new and fully charged, it would only crank the motor (~9.2:1 static cr) for maybe 10-12 seconds before it needed a boost.

Once I went to E85, I bought an optima d34. Starting in winter on e85 with cold plugs was too much to ask of the little PC680, so I had to upgrade. The optima has subsequently shit itself (only holds charge for 2-3 days, even disconnected), so I'm on the lookout for something new - I think it'll be whatever sealed battery the local sparky has this time around.

In Topic: Jamboree 2013 !!!!!!!

06 April 2013 - 01:36 AM

It was postponed due to rain at about 11:30. They're going to try again tomorrow, but the forecast doesn't look fantastic.

In Topic: WTB: Slave cylinder push rod

04 April 2013 - 10:29 PM

Thanks boys. I found the length and radius so ended up cutting down a rod that a local clutch place had lying around.

In Topic: 1993 Lancer GSR

15 October 2012 - 08:50 AM

Thanks lads, I ended up grabbing a 1 way from Greenline.

My gearset arrived today, so I'll drop the box off later in the week to get some loving. I am excited :D