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Member Since 04 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Private

#256458 WSID Sunday 24 June Street Meet

Posted by steve on 25 May 2012 - 02:26 AM

I wish my heap of shit was a 2.3L Evo 2, but it's only a 2L GSR :D

I might not have to worry about driving it home now - I don't think I'll get this defect cleared in time, so I'll probably have to trailer the car there anyway!

#254705 1993 Lancer GSR

Posted by steve on 27 April 2012 - 01:15 AM

Hey guys,

My poor car's been neglected for a while 'cause of a new business and shit, but I've finally gotten off my arse and sorted out a few things.

I put a new clutch kit in it, finished off the fuel system, put a new inlet manifold on and added a set of ID2000 injectors. I also took the GT35/66 off and put the GT3076 back on, 'cause it was too much of a pig with the bigger turbo.

It came off the dyno last night making 445hp atw on 98, and 490hp atw on Caltex e-flex, both on 25psi. The wastegate didn't want to hold any more than 25psi .. Mick tried adding pressure to the top of the diaphragm, but then the blow off valve decided to shit itself, so it was left there. I don't really think it'll make more power anyway, the poor turbo is already well outside it's efficiency range.

I haven't driven it yet, but apparently it likes to do silly shit like spin all through second and into third, so I'm looking forward to it.

#195807 2010 W.S.I.D. Rexnet V's "the Evo's" Shootout.. 3rd October 2010

Posted by steve on 27 April 2010 - 10:51 PM

It was a manual SS running high 11s - their drivelines are pretty tough! I've heard of two other pretty good efforts - a stockish DC5R getting in about 48 runs, and a VL (non turbro) somewhere in the 50s. The last one I went to, I had about 12 runs in 2 hours with a few breaks .. if your car can handle it, there's plenty of value for money at these days!