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Member Since 12 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2012 10:59 AM

In Topic: Aftermarket intercoolers ('93 GSR)

28 July 2010 - 12:58 AM

Haha true, but then there is also the piping....

In Topic: Aftermarket intercoolers ('93 GSR)

28 July 2010 - 12:31 AM

But the J-spec VR4 isn't a straight swap, is it? Looks like it's a bit different to the Evo 1-3 which can be attached straight on (but then again I haven't read much about the J-Spec VR4 compatibilty with GSR's)

In Topic: Aftermarket intercoolers ('93 GSR)

27 July 2010 - 02:56 PM

Haha nice! Yeah, I was looking at the aftermarket ones a few days ago but all seemed to be "cheap and nasty" so I was kind of trying to stick to finding an Evo 1-3 intercooler. Problem is absolutely no wrecker in Adelaide has an Evo 1-3 intercooler (with piping) and I had no luck on posting on various Evo forums. Sucks. Closest thing I did come across was an Evo 4 Intercooler in very average condition without piping at a wrecker in Adelaide who was asking $300 LOL!

Guess I will keep on looking until I find something (saw a few on the NZ website "Trademe") so may have to import one if I cant get one here in Australia....

In Topic: Aftermarket intercoolers ('93 GSR)

27 July 2010 - 02:28 PM

milkandoj, you are a champ! Thanks heaps for your quality info, I tried looking for the specs of each intercooler and couldn't find anything.... I know what to look for now!

In Topic: WTB: Stereo surround trim for '93 GSR

27 July 2010 - 02:22 PM

Will do, thanks mate! (if anyone else has one for sale let me know :D)