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Member Since 12 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2012 10:59 AM

WTB: Stereo surround trim for '93 GSR

27 July 2010 - 02:11 PM

Does anyone have a good condition plastic stereo surround (black) for a '93 GSR for sale?

Let me know how much you are after (and postage costs) as well as a description (a photo of the actual item would be great!)

I am located in Adelaide.


Aftermarket intercoolers ('93 GSR)

19 July 2010 - 01:38 AM

Does anyone have any advice they could give me regarding the proper fitting an aftermarket intercooler in a '93 GSR. I havent purchased anything yet, so any advice regarding intercoolers and piping would also be heaps appreciated.

So far I have looked at the Meek and Plazmaman intercoolers and piping setups for Evo 1-3's. Is there any big differences between the 2? I am after better daily performance, no track driving etc...

WTB: Stock intercooler and/or piping from Evo 1-3

19 July 2010 - 01:31 AM

G'day, Does anyone have a good condition stock intercooler and/or piping suitable from an Evo 1-3 that they may wish to sell?

Please add a description of the condition of the items with prices you are after and if possible attach some photos.


Torque specs for rocker cover

16 July 2010 - 12:52 PM

Hi, does anyone know what the torque specifications are for the nuts on the rocker cover for a 4G93T engine in a '93 GSR?

I have just put a decent sized crack in the case i have now, and dont want to do it again on the next case I get.....


FOUND: 4G93T Rocker Cover

15 July 2010 - 03:38 PM

Hey, I am after a good condition rocker cover for my GSR (4G93T) as mine has just recently cracked.

Let me know how much you are after and the overall condition of it and I will be in contact with ya!
