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Interesting discussion. The guy can't be that keen to sell the car as its been for sale for 2-3 years now. I enquired about it when I bought my yellow plate 3 about 18 months ago.
I would have thought an RVR/Auto conversion would be a good option. There seem to be a few being wrecked for peanuts and everyone wants a manual. You could then look to sell your GSR set up to someone else.
I'm new to this forum, but have been a long time member of EvoOz, EvoM, and a couple of others. I've had two Evos in my time - an Evo VIII MR and more recently, an Evo X GSR. I'm now on the search for a red Tommi Makinen. Preferably an ADM, but I will 'settle' for a JDM in the right condition (with supporting documents).