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Member Since 20 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2010 02:54 AM

1996 Lancer Evo 4

11 October 2010 - 03:47 AM

************ SOLD PENDING DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT (11-10-2010) *********************

Lancer Evo IV for sale. Imported for race / rally only.

Engine has spun a big end bearing. I am planning on replacing / rebuilding the engine later this year but I will still be selling the car. I thought I would advertise now in case someone was interested who had an engine ready to go or would rather rebuild the engine themselves.

Originally bought for CAMS 3E Production racing but family commitments have changed those plans. Only requires roll cage and some minor modifications to be eligible for a CAMS logbook.

Call me for more details.

I am located in Bathurst. Josh 0407 251 929

WTB: Evo 4-6 engine

21 June 2010 - 03:12 AM


Evo 4, 5 or 6 engine. Preferably a long engine with no accessories but am happy to discuss.

I am happy to pay good dollars for a low km engine or low dollars for something that needs a rebuild.

Phone 0407 251 929 or send me a message.

FS: Evo 4 Parts

13 May 2010 - 02:40 AM

Complete working air conditioning system off Evo 4 (condensor, compressor, pipes, etc) - $150

Passenger and driver air bags including Evo 4 Momo steering wheel - $500

Front driving lights - $100

Front and rear standard shocks and springs - $100 (rear passenger side makes slight knock, other 3 are good)

Items are located in Bathurst NSW and you can call me on 0407 251 929 if you have any questions. Plus I can give you a postage estimate