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Member Since 29 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2013 11:30 AM

In Topic: perth to gold coast -evo 6

07 May 2010 - 02:10 PM

Welcome mate!

jamo-gsr: What's wrong with white? :P

In Topic: Yellow plate EIII - now known as "ROBEVO"

05 May 2010 - 06:59 AM

Great work mate! Awesome thread, would love to see a vid of how this thing goes.

In Topic: New to the Mitsubishi world

04 May 2010 - 09:59 AM

Thanks mate, once ive moved house, ill put my nose to the grind stone and start saving. What would you suggest for a bottom end? I would love a power figure similar to yours. Is your car still streetable?

In Topic: New to the Mitsubishi world

04 May 2010 - 08:50 AM

I have been looking at 2.2L bottom ends, there are so many options. I think that with the GT30, some 264deg cams should match fairly well. I've had microtech, and F-con before. From an engineering point of view, i have heard the Haltech is the easiest to get passed ( can anyone else varify?)

At the moment I am on boost at just after 3000RPM. I'm a little worried about what the standard fuel pump can handle. (currently running 16psi)

Obviously I want to keep the price within our atmosphere (ive spent shiteloads on cars, and want this to be a little different.

In Topic: New to the Mitsubishi world

04 May 2010 - 07:41 AM

Hey, thanks for the kind words.

Ok, the mods.

Garrett GT30 w/.63 rear
Rigoli Manifold
Turbosmart manual bleed type boost controller :(
Turbosmart Hypergate 45
Alloy Radiator w/ Davies Craig 12inch thermo fan
Remapped ECU??
Full 3inch Xforce exhaust
PP rims
GAB fully adjustable coilovers W/ pillow ball upper mounts
Whiteline sway bars

I think thats all.
