Hey all, my name is Andrew.
I have just made the move from RWD turbo 6cyl toyotas (JZA70 supras, Manual gt35r 1jz cressida, 1jz MA61 supra) and nissans (Tomei RB24 T78 OS G... basically everything that could be done to it 200ZR) to 4WD 4cyl , and so far so good.
I now own a Mitsubishi Evo 6.5, its got a few things done to it . I would love to do more to it, but I honestly dont know where to start, ie, what the weakest links are, prices etc. I am hoping that you guys can help me with all that.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
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Member Since 29 Apr 2010Offline Last Active Dec 08 2013 11:30 AM