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Member Since 09 May 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 15 2015 08:26 PM

WTB: Evo 3 or Gsr in w.a

16 May 2010 - 11:24 AM

Hey guys so im after a evo 3 or a gsr that has had a evo 3 conversion (at very least the evo 3 body kit fitted), i have a wrx wagon im willing to swap or sell to fund the purchase of the evo or gsr. Shoot me a P.M on here or Drop me a txt on 0409910186


Hey all new guy from w.a

09 May 2010 - 09:00 AM

Hey all my name is jaden, im from secret harbour, curently own a wrx wagon (dont hate me lol) but im after evo 3 or a gsr that has a evo conversion, the evo 3 is my all time favourite out of the lot, so if you have a a gsr or a evo that you are selling or want to swap for my wrx let me know, look forward to getting a evo/gsr and meeting a few of you guys and girls.
