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Member Since 11 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2023 09:00 AM

In Topic: Bought a HSGR off the person who won it on grays

18 May 2023 - 10:47 AM

Forgot to add. It would always go into reverse very easily, just that it would jump out when loaded up from releasing clutch. Could sort of move in reverse by riding clutch. Don't bother wasting time with spring loaded indent balls. We already tried that. Cheers.

In Topic: Bought a HSGR off the person who won it on grays

18 May 2023 - 10:43 AM

G'day guys. Long time since last post.
The hyper is my old girl. Looks like it still has the NT plates on it in pic . As for the gearbox, even had Mike (can't think of his last name but was the Evo gearbox guru around Holden hill) pull the box down about 10 years ago to try and fix, but reverse issue was never sorted. Rest of gearbox was totally rebuilt around 150km.
I sold hyper in Darwin to guys in Darwin for about $500 as roof was full of lines of rust bubbling through, and I was sick of reverse gear issue. Probably a few posts from me about reverse gear issue years ago. Sort of glad to see it didn't get scrapped. Still had plenty of get up and gear moving forward though. Nice to see my old Evo club sticker still in window. Engine was rebuilt by Steve knight many moons ago.