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I think that is a cut and paste from the previous add.
Although please clarify the following:
So does it or does it not require a engineers certificate?? How much are you looking at getting?
approx price added.
car has no rego - straight forward rwc certificate include - same as above engineers - i was told by vic roads over the phone before buying car engine is registered on database and can reg car with no problems, but vic roads sunshine wanted a engineers when i went to get plates. haven't tried or ask any further anywhere else so you may or may not need one. i was planning to buy the stock 4g61 and chuck it in to reg but it's too much of a hassle and will cost more money. money that i unfortunately don't have. =[
My local pick-a-part has heaps of these engines.. They come in Hyundais too for your info-which are 97% identical... If you get stuck I could enquire there for you- but surely you have these wreckers down there??