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Big Kev

Big Kev

Member Since 17 May 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2012 02:03 PM

In Topic: Good Arvo, Gentlemen.

25 May 2010 - 01:32 PM


Previous car was a Mazda 323 GTX, prior to that was a VR4. I must admit, I still have a longing to run a V8 at some stage, wouldn't be as fast, but what a hoot........ :drool:



In Topic: Evo III ECU Codes

24 May 2010 - 10:50 AM


Thanx guys, nothing to read- steady pulse only.

Of course, the question I should check on, these ECU's do actually store? Can this be used as a running test?



In Topic: Good Arvo, Gentlemen.

18 May 2010 - 09:30 AM

Heh heh, would be nice to have the original Big Boy back, but at 6'6" and 135kg, I'm the closest you've got!:rolleyes:

Still, I'm Excited about the Evo, it just does so much so well.

My DMS are non-adjustable- just the way I like it. I'd get lost with Murray's stuff- even if I could afford it!

