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Member Since 27 May 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2013 10:29 PM

In Topic: Replacing headlight globes- is there an easy way?

19 January 2013 - 04:39 AM

headlight removal needs front bar off
globes is straight forward pull rubber at back undo clip

In Topic: VIC: 1995 SSG RVR 4 SALE

05 December 2012 - 03:28 PM

hey guys cars back on for sale again.... ill place some new pics in of what some update stuff

its got

- tdo5 18g
- cleanded out injectors 510cc evo
- evo 3 cams now
- replaced the gearbox
- custom polish intercooler piping
- dump pipe to highflow cat
- had a street tune using safc

NEW PRICE IS FIRM $3800.... rego till february, no testing

its been a good car but i got a new car now as a daily, my mechanic says the car could possible pulling close to 200katw, ...
just need some pics to show you guys hope fully soon

In Topic: Evo 7 ECU into Hyper Gear RVR ****** DONE IT

28 November 2012 - 09:56 AM

well im not sure actually i havent really look into what ecu you yet kos i don have an hsg i have a ssg, and i had to get it mod abit chucked in

-evo 3 cams
- full exhaust
- td05 18g
just those small bits and pieces what do u reckon?

In Topic: Evo 7 ECU into Hyper Gear RVR ****** DONE IT

27 November 2012 - 10:21 AM

hey mio since you have completed this you wanna start doing me a set

In Topic: rvr pics upload here

16 November 2012 - 10:31 AM

cut springs damn