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Member Since 28 May 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2013 08:51 PM

Evo IV front brake conversion on GSR

23 September 2010 - 06:00 PM

Im going to atempt to put Evo 4 front brake disks and calipers on my Lancer GSR CM5A

curious to see if anyone has attempted this ?

do any mods have to be done?

would evo 4 braided brake lines fit ?

any advice or info would be appreciated ! Nice one ;)

Fog Light Blanks Evo IV

09 August 2010 - 04:13 PM

What crackin lads any1 no any sites in europe that sell fog light blanks for an Evo IV ??? :unsure:

4G93t Spark plug Wires

03 July 2010 - 11:46 AM

Howdi Lads anyone know of any performance spark pulg cables for the 4G93t engine ?

One of my cables snaped when my spark plug came flyin out straight through engine cover when i was drivin :o big dent in my bonnet aswell.

anyway been searchin the internet cant realy find any for the 4g93t Dohc was kinda lookin for performance cables what you lads with the 4g93t usein ? any advice ???

4G93t help vacuum

04 June 2010 - 11:10 AM

Rite lads have a bit of a problem have a GSR Cm5a with 4G93t engine had a massive boost leak:fuuuuu: found a vacuum hose connection with vac hose no where to be seen ?
Have looked every were cant see were it should b connected to, its located at the very start of the inter-cooler pipe. (underneath car)

if any one has a vacuum hose diagram for the engine or anything that would help would b much appreciated ! :)
