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Member Since 30 May 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2013 08:50 PM

In Topic: evo 3 converted gsr

20 April 2011 - 09:15 AM

Does anybody know where O where I can get an O2 Sensor from????!

In Topic: evo 3 converted gsr

19 April 2011 - 08:14 AM

Hi Nigel

Im sorry to hear that this is happening to you to, I really wouldnt wish this on anyone...it sucks :(

Cars going back to the shop tommorow and ill probaly have to spend more money on something that shouldve got fixed in the 1st place...

btw does your car rev by itself too? mine does when i leave the turbo timer on...its just plain silly :blink:

ill definately let you know whats up when i hear back from the mechs though

(costing alot of money just to have the car run like normal is sheeeit/rather be spending on mooore powah :angry: :lol: )


In Topic: evo 3 converted gsr

19 April 2011 - 05:51 AM

Thanks for all the replies so far

im not too concerned about the wheel bearing type noise its more the engine light and car dying on me whenever im driving it...thats pissing me off

ive done some searching and it seems it could be the o2 sensor? possibly or something like that so im gonna get one and see if it works??!

although i was thinking how would a 02 sensor get stuffed...just over time? or if it was because the cars running rich could it mean that the new sensor i get (if that even is the problem) stuff up too?

cheers :(


In Topic: evo 3 converted gsr

18 April 2011 - 08:10 AM

Thanks Sivart

yeah the car is back here slowly to be what it used to be once again :D err i fix the skirts 1st then take pics lil embarrassing really! :(

I dont have a boost controller on the car atm so it should be running stockish boost the only power mods are a piping kit and a fuji front pipe from the turbo and hi flow panel filter

I just hope its an easy fix as i only just got my car back

any ideas peeps

In Topic: evo 3 converted gsr

18 April 2011 - 05:08 AM

hey all its been a while since i updated this post as...well...i hadnt done much on the car for a while.
But Ive since had the car in a shop and had the cvs rebuilt and alot of gaskets on the engine changed as well as the cambelt done and not to mention the gearbox replaced with a 2nd hand unit as mine was stuffed :angry:

now after dropping the best part of 3gs i now have my car back with more problems than what i had before hand and was wanting to know a few things:

do cvs take time to bed in or something?! when i turn the car when driving it makes this real screech noise and is so fannoying


the car runs fine most times but the other day on the wetsern ring it started to jerk and all the engine lights came on and it kept dying on me, so i was stuck on the side of the road for a while :angry: and then today it did it again...it seems like its missing real bad.
they mechs gutted the cat converter because they said it had collapsed and i think its got a walbro but no fpr, could any of these cause the above problem??? when i picked up the car the guy told me it was missing BUT it wasnt that BAD maybe this could be a contributer???

this used to happen to me before i took the car in but it was caused by one of the cooler pipes that kept blowing off but i have checked them all and theyre still on tight

if anyone has any ideas please let them be said here

