whats the difference between a normal vr4 (j-spec) and a vr4 rs/evo 0 air flow meter/MAF??
and how can you tell which is which??
Reason im asking is that ive just scored a '91 vr4 rs evo 0. (E38a- 0002XXX, l.s.d, short ratio gearbox, big 16g turbo, wind up windows, MD165808 E.C.U ,blah blah...)
BUT it has 3 blue top injectors an 1 yellow top injector, yellow top on #1 piston.
did some of the RS vr's only come with the blue tops?
and would the air flow meter have to been changed to run the smaller injectors??
sory bout all the Qs.
any help wud be gud..
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