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Member Since 10 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2010 12:02 PM

In Topic: 4g63 Sigma progress

20 June 2010 - 11:48 AM

looks great well done, im doing the same conversion on my GE sigma, i have all the drive line (VR4/W58/9") so the next 6 months will be fabricating everything to fit. Once all done will be driving it with the stock 4G63/TD05 then start working out the suspension.

Keep as posted on your build!

In Topic: Cops in Camry's

15 June 2010 - 12:02 PM

Yeah I'm talking about in SA though..

No cop in a Patrol is going to pull you over in SA.. unless you are doing something flat out retarded. This just looked like traffic cops rolling in a Camry.

got done by cops in a land cruiser a year ago after i over took them on the highway - they booked me for going 10km's over the speed limit.....:thumbsdown: howz that for flat out retarded?- have seen other people getting pulled over by 4WD's too. Saw a full traffic cop dressed 380 the other day on southern freeway