Hi everyone,
From Melbourne, Just a hello to all after registering at 4G tuner. I'm about to buy an evo 8 from japan that should arrive in 6 weeks?
I did buy an evo 7 not long ago but found so much rust that I had to return it to the dealer, luckily he took it back, but i did lose on stamp duty + lots of time and the hassle of unregistering, insurance etc. I have been looking at a lot of evo 7 for sale lately, and they do have rust all over them, at least the ones I have inspected so far
Anyways, decided to import a modified evo 8 from japan auctions and will be taking all good info from this forum and meet you at the Melbourne events hopefully.
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Member Since 24 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Jun 24 2010 03:21 AM