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Member Since 04 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active May 26 2013 09:58 PM

#276874 W.T.B vr4 coil overs

Posted by syco_rvr on 15 May 2013 - 09:13 AM

ive got BC Golds in mine and you can really slam it out if you want :) nice ride too depending on how good your roads are i suppose

here is a pic with them in, can go heaps lower but i was getting too much guard rub so raised it a little (wheels are 17x9 12p offset so that doesn't help my case either lol) smaller offset wheels will tuck up and under no problems

Posted Image

#273726 Engine Lagging under boost

Posted by syco_rvr on 25 March 2013 - 08:08 PM

So turns out the ignition timing was out, thankfully the guy that was working on it had previously owned and evo 1 so after going through what i had already tested/replaced he came to it pretty quickly.

he mentioned that if the battery goes flat the timing can like to reset itself? anyway runs a lot better and even comes on boost more aggressivley than before.

thanks for all the help guys :)

#271205 GSR Short shifter

Posted by syco_rvr on 11 February 2013 - 05:20 AM

thanks rory and lefty, pretty spot on,

as for the sloppy shifter i too cut of a section of garden hose and managed to slide it inside the shifter, had to hollow out the inside of the hose a little to fit back on but now is nice and snug but lose enough to move forward an back, great ingenuity Ian91 :)