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Member Since 11 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2011 10:14 AM

In Topic: SPOTTED!

24 January 2011 - 04:41 AM

Hey man! How's it!? You sill got your Cordia?

Hey Dre!

Nah Cordia has been defected/sold a while back. Rolling in SC400 comfort now. UZZ31 with the leather/EMV/TEMS.

Have been a little slack on the whole car scene recently. Should come down and say G'day.

Slightly off topic, ZOMG BAZ! YOUR CAR WORKS! And running low 11's too, there's an easy 10 in her. Good to see it all come together. It's been ages.


In Topic: SPOTTED!

23 January 2011 - 03:32 PM

OVR4U cruising down beach rd about 11pm.

Car is looking mint, haven't seen it for a while. Or any of you guys for that matter. Long time no see all! :D
