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Member Since 07 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2010 10:37 AM

In Topic: Mazda RX7 Series 8 Type RZ

14 November 2010 - 06:55 AM

Yeap definitly get one just dont get in the back, rotaries are all ive had for about 8 years and gsrs for dailys and Ive only ever had one fault due to no oil pressure, fd motors are strong and go well standard nice and quiet, We had one back home that had done 160000k's and still goin was getting a bit tired though. Yea they are cramped but its a sports car not a chrysler. Get yourself a compression test done check oil and coolant are clean then your pretty safe just try get one with really low k's !!!!

In Topic: Crazy, Weird, Cool Conversions (56k lol)

19 September 2010 - 10:17 AM

this is cool so redneck but so cool!!

In Topic: knocking noise??

21 July 2010 - 10:37 AM

thanks guys what a helpfull bunch Ill check it out tommorow at work and if not the conversion will start early.



In Topic: knocking noise??

21 July 2010 - 10:23 AM

yea just a cc gsr hope fully it lasts a few weeks till i gather all my conversion parts. Thanks

In Topic: wtb vr4 or gsr engine?

19 July 2010 - 12:08 PM

4g 93 or 63

I have a car with high k's and before it shits itself id rather do the swap,

If i can find a 1.8 bare block ill just swap everything over, If a 2.0 complete turns up thats not shagged ill go that way, Not wanting to run huge boost or nothing just want it not to smoke , my mazdas soak up all of the unreliability and money headaches i can handle lol

Thanks for the pms guys