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Member Since 17 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2010 09:53 PM

Need Help Please - Gearbox and Bits!!

06 September 2010 - 06:48 AM

Hi all,

I am chasing a suitable gearbox for my cc lancer coupe and relevant bits to make it all work well.

I am not sure if it is the vr4 box I need or the gsr gearbox?? It is a vr4 motor. Also what crossmember and driveshafts will i require??

Anything else?? Anyone got bits that I may need that they wish to sell??



CC Lancer with 4G63T VR4 Conversion

05 September 2010 - 02:03 AM

No Longer for sale.. going to stick it out for a bit longer!!

Turbo / Wastegate Combo 4g63T

03 September 2010 - 05:04 AM

Hi all,

I am considering changing the turbo and manifold / wastegate on the lancer.. I am wanting a 6boost manifold or something of the like..

Can someone please recommend me a good package that would be ok for general driving without too much lag..

I am thinking of running the new turbosmart 40mm wastegate but unsure as to which turbo to go for?? Target power is 200 - 220kw

Any idea on price for parts needed would be great thanks


Bonnet Needed - GSR???

23 August 2010 - 09:10 PM

Hi all,

Have just addressed the issue of fixing my engine mounts and now the engine is sitting how it should,

Problem being I cannot close the bonnet as the timing cover hits when it is almost shut, I have been told I could place some spacers on the hinges so it will close but be at an angle (told that by the place i bought the evo mounts from) or hunt down an evo/cc gsr bonnet..

Any help would be great thanks guys.

Am not fussed by colour as the car is going to be painted soon. I have chosen to go with electric orange which is the ford focus xr5 orange colour.. your thoughts?



POLICE SCANNER - Online Feed Free!!

16 August 2010 - 01:43 AM

Hi all,

Managed to come across this last night.. Not bad for listening to what our friends in blue are up to and the crap they have to deal with..


Just download and it runs out of any media player.. itunes etc.

