Am going to clean the mass air flow sensor and replace the oxygen sensor (as well as have the injectors cleaned and have the timing checked; already did plugs, leads) in further effort to recover a least a bit of fuel economy - only getting 7km/l, conservative driving (yes, yes, I know, people don't drive 4G63Ts for their fuel economy, etc.).
Re the MAF sensor, looks pretty straightforward, using MAF sensor cleaner or electronic circuit/connection cleaner - any tips, tricks, traps (i.e.: should know before screwing with it), or other suggestions for cleaning it?
Re the o2, I need some alternative mfr. part numbers that I can have shipped here, as finding it here is not going to happen. Search as I might, I can't locate the NGK (NTK) or the Mitsu OEM available for purchase anywhere. Does the standard Evo III sensor work for the HSG-R (auto) application, or maybe the DSM Eclipse/Talon AWD turbos? Anyone know any place there that will sell it to me and ship it to Chile? Cheers, Phil.
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