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Member Since 20 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2010 01:52 AM

I think this wires for my ecu???

18 September 2010 - 03:34 AM

Was cleaning some ugly wires that were hanging under the glove box today, and noticed a ground wire hanging over the ecu in the photo. Had a look at the ecu and there was a misssing wire as shown in the other photo.
could someone look at there ecu to see if there ecu has this wire please..

Thanks guys..

Has enyone seen this on the intake pipe before???? And is this a vr4 or evo sensor on m...

11 September 2010 - 01:24 AM

Attached File  photo1.jpg   22.11KB   182 downloadsAttached File  Photo2.JPG   33.25KB   179 downloads

vr4 e39a problem

08 September 2010 - 03:07 AM

Hi guys,

ive got a problem with my vr4 could someone please help, coming home from town today (was giving it a bit off boost) got to the bottm of my drive way just coming off boost it died out on me, started her up again to get up my drive way and it died out again, so i started her again and let her run to see if she dies out again, evrythnig seemd fine well i was idleing her in the drive way. ive checked the vacum hoses thinking one of them could of came off evrything look fine under the hood so i dont know wot is the problem, as this is my frst vr4 ive owned 4 the last 2years. had the head done 1000ks ago new timing belt, leads, radiator, and just got a new starter motor just last week put in. Could someone please help me..... cheers guys.