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Member Since 20 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2010 08:13 AM

In Topic: FRONTN

22 August 2010 - 04:35 AM

Good to see you put the time into prepping & painting the car properly dude, i bet it would look even better in real life pics dont show justice of many cars on the net...

In Topic: My Daily 4G62 AC Cordia GSR

22 August 2010 - 04:33 AM

lovin it mate :)

In Topic: Nodg's '84 Mitsubishi Cordia

22 August 2010 - 12:13 AM

For now the car will do as its fairly quick, but wouldnt mind converting to the multipoint fuel injection and install a vr4 manual box. should be the ultimate sleeper then :)

Checked those links sweet rides! a bit of inspiration there...

In Topic: Nodg's '84 Mitsubishi Cordia

21 August 2010 - 08:38 AM

Thanks for all the replys guys ive only recently joined the site and yet to search for info and check out some other rides here for inspiration! Good to see sites like this i will find it quite useful :)

umm, retail for a stock one is anything ranging 500-3000 for a stock one depending on condition mine has had a full strip and rebuild including fresh paint so doesnt look too shabby at all i think the wheels & bars are what sets it off.. Yep a dick load faster than any stock v6 and most v8 commodores out there with the fuel economy to match i like it heaps... by the feel of it should pull a low to mid 14 second pass where as my vn 5 litre with all the bolt ons could only manage a 14.8... Ive been converted...

I look forward to having a chat later on about other members cars and mods, chow.

In Topic: panel beater/painter

20 August 2010 - 01:10 PM

Send me a pm if you want a full respray & prep work done, i live in chermside and can do professional 2pac jobs. average price is two thousand dollars for full respray depending on original condition of car...